Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Piggly Wiggly--Oscar Mayer Wieners Deal

Piggly Wiggly has a deal on Oscar Mayer Wieners beginning Wednesday2/24 through Tuesday 3/2. We love Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs as they are Gluten-Free.

Buy 2 for $2.88 and Receive a $2.00 Coupon Good on Your Next Purchase. (Limit 2 Packages).

The girls and I will be heading to Piggly Wiggly and each grabbing 2 packages of Hot Dogs.
I will pay first and pay $2.88 for 2 which in itself is a great deal. I will than pass the $2.00 Catalina coupon to Becca who will than pay $.88 for two after OYNO Catalina and receive another $2.00 OYNO Catalina, then Detamara who will pay $.88 for two packages after OYNO Catalina and we will walk out of Piggly Wiggly with 6 packages for $4.64 and a $2.00 OYNO Catalina.

I will make another round another day with the girls of Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Bargain Shopping. The second day we will each pay $.88 for 2 packages as I will have the $2.00 Catalina to begin yielding $2.64 fo 6 packages using three different shoppers :) We will be stocked up on Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs for backyard swimming parties.

Detamara can you recite the Oscar Mayer Wiener jingle? How about you?

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