Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Crazy 8-- Kids Jeans $6.99

Children's Jeans $6.99

The kids are out of school and we are all into summer. But this is the best time to start our Back to School shopping.

Crazy 8 has many jeans for $6.99 a pair and earn Crazy bucks for later shopping.

I was surprised by the many styles and washes available in Toddler to Children's sizes. Picking up jeans for this price is absolutely AMAZING!

I managed to stock up on jeans and getting 14 pairs of jeans (3-Size 3T, 4-Size 4, 3-Size 5, 4-Size 6) for $95.00 plus shipping and tax and earning $40.00 in Crazy Cash for fall shopping and future needs as jeans never date.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Fathers Day Doc

Doc and Becca at the Irish Festival
Harriet Island, St. Paul, MN

Happy Fathers Day. This is my favorite picture of Doc. Doing what he and Becca love best. Listening to music. But picture this picture stands has symbolic meaning for me...

I title this picture.... She ain't heavy, she's my daughter.

He stood by our family through crisis, he defied the odds to better himself and our family, standing out as a role model for all our children. His humor, his patience and his strength when he had to back Mom up when a strong minded child tested their limits. But as he will tell anyone, he doesn't have it tough, Becca is tough. He will do anything for his children.

I wrote my fathers day tribute on Special Children's website earlier this week.

But to Doc (Jim my husband) I thank you for being an amazing father to our 11 kids, our furry family and the extras that have tagged along.

We love you,
Ann and the Kids

PS: Wonder why I call him Doc instead of Jim? Around here, calling him by his first name in a small rural town invokes a blank reaction or stares as they don't think Doc has a first name, or it is disrespectful to call a Doctor by his first name. So I have just started calling him Doc and now it is stuck as his nickname. Everyone of the kids has a host of nicknames coined by Doc so it is appropriate he finally has one of his own :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Walmart Clearance--Independence for a $1.00?

You never know what you will find on the Walmart Clearance aisle...

This time we found independence...

For a $1.00?

Becca cannot comb her hair without help because of her elbow contractures and her hand deformities combined with lack of muscle strength. Thanks to a trip down the clearance aisle at Walmart she can finally reach to comb her hair in the back. I am sure that at times I will still have to help but at least she can do some the daily care hair care by herself at long last.

This comb is by a company called Etac--for over 30 year this company has been creating products that help empower people with unique physical circumstances.

Special needs equipment is always expensive and most always it costs mega $$$. But not this time.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Found this in my email today...

My Oldest Daughter Kristy and this Mom

Kristy hired a photographer when we were in Texas and some of the pictures are now back. Today I found an email with a note... and this photo. I hate pictures of myself, but this is not too bad except for the 15 pounds 50 put on definitely bothers me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Twilight Fans-- Read Stephanie Meyers Newest book for FREE

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephanie Meyer

Stephanie Meyers newest book was released on June 5, and here is your chance to read it for FREE. It is available for reading beginning June 7 at Noon until July 5th.

Becca has read all her books at least 4 times and she is already devouring this one.

What Do You Get After Being Gone for Six Weeks?

Empty Coupon Binders

I purged my coupon binders of expired coupons today. They have never looked so empty!

I use two binders... one for food products, the other for everything else.

Back From Texas

Mahala and this Nana

I just spent 6 weeks in heaven... I mean Texas taking care of Kristy's two little ones...Kasja and Mahala. (Kasja was 2 in March and Mahala will be 1 in July). I was blessed to be able to spend 6 weeks playing nanny to Nana's girls.

Becca and Detamara had a 6 week hands on Child Development Course and Detamara had an added job of being a Dog Walker to the grand-dogs Jesse and Leto along with Becca's Morgan.

Pampers Wipes 72 Count Tub--FREE

Check your P and G insert from Sunday's paper for a $2.00 coupon on any 60 count or more Pampers wipes.

Our small town paper had the coupon and I was able to acquire 10 coupons which I used at Walmart which has them for $1.97 on price-cut. Need more coupons, check ebay or any of the coupon selling sites like... The Coupon Clippers or

10 FREE Wipes.

I use wipes in cleaning, I keep them in the car for traveling and spills, and the grands.

My favorite wipes hint...
After cleaning the bathroom sinks, vanities etc. use a baby wipe to collect the loose hair, lint and it shines them while taking off the film of the soapy water.

Anyone have any other creative uses for FREE baby wipes?